The Product Builder is the main tool used for product design within the Dais platform.
- Click on “Products”
- Click on ‘Create New Product”
- Add a Product Name in the ‘Give your product a name’ box
- Choose whether the product will be a ‘Personal’ or ‘Commercial’ line using the toggle.
- Options for product types are ‘New Bureau Product,’ ‘New Specialty Product,’ or ‘New Custom Product.'
- After selecting the base product and ‘next,’ the user is able to add any additional forms and coverages to their product.
- If a ‘New Bureau Product’ is selected, the user will be prompted to choose a base product from a variety of coverage types.
- If a ‘New Custom Product’ is selected, the user will be prompted to select if they are creating a new Custom product, a Package, a Question Set or a Product Family.
- For Bureau and Custom products, select if the product will be standalone, or used as part of another product.