How does Dais back up information?

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There are currently two types of system backup:

1. We take database backups of all of our services on a daily basis.  This is primarily a hard recovery mechanism and is part of Dais' infrastructure recovery strategy.

2. ALL product changes (in product builder, events/actions, configuration) are revision tracked and every change to any data element is recorded. 

  • When a policy is issued, all subsequent actions on the policy use the configuration of the product (questions, event/actions (rating included), and configuration) from the time of policy issuance.   
  • If the product was deleted, all existing policy management will continue to function as those processes look at the data from the past.
  • If a product was accidentally deleted, we can recover it - it can be restored from the database. Please contact support if you need a product recovered.

This second strategy is also used in many other parts of the system.  An example is client answers.  All changes to answers are revision tracked - so, you can see who made changes to an answer and when that change was made.

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