How to import events and actions

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How to Import Events and Actions

There are times when you may want to copy another event (such as a complex rating) or action (such as sending an email) into a new product. To import existing events and actions into a new product, please follow these steps:


1. From your main product page, click "Events & Actions" 

2. In this example, we’ll use a product that already has an action set up. Click on the action name to access the events and actions configuration.

3. Click on ‘import existing’ next to ‘actions’ in order to import an action from another product.

4. Select the product you’d like to import the existing action from in the dropdown.

5. Choose the action you’d like to import, and then click on ‘clone and import.’ This will bring the existing action into your current product. 

6. Toggle your new action on if you would like to use it in the product.

7. Finalize your changes by saving the event group.

Next Steps:

Watch the video below to learn more about importing events and actions.







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